Ramadan Benefits And Importance in Our Life

Ramadan Benefits And Importance in Our Life

When Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam went to Taif to preach, the people of Taif stoned him to death. Hazrat Jibreel (A) asked for permission to unite the two mountains and destroy the people of Taif. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam said, “O Allah, guide them”. And once Hazrat Jibreel (A) said “Whoever gets the month of Ramadan and could not forgive his sins, let him be destroyed”.

Hearing this, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said “Amen”. The people of Taif did not pray for those who were infidels, but the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, prayed for the Muslims. Why is this?

Let’s understand the point with an example-suppose you ask a 15,16 year old boy how much 5 + 5 is, if he can’t do it you will be surprised and scold him for not being able to add such a simple thing. Such are the virtues of the month of Ramadan and the infinite mercy of Allah is revealed that even if one does not forgive his sins, then he is as worthy of rebuke as a 15, 16-year-old boy is for not being able to say 5 + 5. . Hazrat Mojadde Al Fesani (RA) said in his letter, “The mercy revealed in the month of Ramadan is like a drop of water compared to the ocean.

” This is why all the heavenly books were revealed in the month of Ramadan. If you do any Nafal in this month, it will be equal to the reward of Fard, and if you do anything Fard, it will be 70 times the reward. Earlier Muttaqi, the people of Allah used to say when praising one another, that person has received so many Ramadans in his life, this is proof of his acceptance, subhanallah.

Ramadan Benefits And Importance in Our Life

In the Hadith Sharif, Rasulullah used to pray “O Allah, bless us in the months of Rajab and Sha’ban and see us through to Ramadan”. How blessed this month is, even the Messenger of Allah used to pray for it. SubhanAllah Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ امَنُواْ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ

O believers! Fasting is enjoined upon you, as it was enjoined upon those before you, that you may attain piety.

(Surah Baqarah: 183)

Allah Ta’ala says in the above verse, Fasting is made obligatory so that we can be pious and pious. And in order to become righteous, one must first abandon sin, then do good deeds more and more.

Abstain from sin

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam said, “Many gain nothing by fasting except hunger and thirst. Another hadith says, “He who cannot abstain from idle talk and sinful deeds, has no need for Allah Subhanahu Taala to abstain from his food and drink. That means his fast is not acceptable. Sahih al-Bukhari (Vol:3, Hadith:127) One should avoid all kinds of sins. Another terrible sin is backbiting.

An incident on backbiting is narrated below: Surviving backbiting: Two women observed fast during the time of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam. They suffered so much during fasting that they faced death. When the matter was reported to Rasulullah, he asked them to be coolies. When they coughed, small pieces of meat came out of their mouths. They were surprised and said, we didn’t have any food or drink.

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihe Wa Sallam said, “In fact, you have fasted and slandered others.” And backbiting is eating the flesh of a dead brother. At present, we are in such a situation that silence is rewarded, and speaking is backbiting. Many do not consider it a sin. From ordinary Muslims to scholars are involved in this sin. Another terrible aspect of backbiting is that the sins of the person you are backbiting will be in your record and your good deeds will be in his record.

How short is our deeds, then if the good ones go away, then it is a matter of regret. Hazrat Sheikh Shadi (RA) used to pray Tahajjud with his father during his childhood. One day he said to his father that the others in Abba’s house were not praying Tahajjud. His father said, “They are better than you. It would be better if you did not pray and slept like them.” When Shaykh Shadi (RA) asked the reason for this, he said “They are sleeping but they are not gossiping about anyone, which you are doing”.

It is surprising to think how careful they were. Today we blaspheme by thinking of commanding good deeds and prohibiting bad deeds. That is also a deception of Satan.

Other sins

Let us repent from all sins in this fast. I think this is our last fast. Those who listen to music on their mobiles should at least turn off the music for this month, listen to recitation of the Quran, Hamad, Qasida instead. Those who have shops in the market, at least turn off the television in honor of this month, turn off the music. May Allah Ta’ala forgive you/me through this.

Always think big sin, no sin small. Ashraf Ali Thanvi (RA) said, “Does anyone ever say that this is a small fire and that is a big fire.” A single fire is enough to burn and destroy, be it small or big. Likewise, all sins, whether small or big, are harmful. Once an old man was passing by the road and saw a man sitting down and crying.

When asked the reason for this, the person said that long ago I committed a sin in this place, remembering that I am crying. Subhanallah That is true godliness. Such is our condition, we walk proudly in sin. Remember one thing, it is easy to abstain from food, but very difficult to abstain from sin. And though it is easy to abstain from sin,

It is more difficult to keep the heart from everything but Allah

Goodness achieved

The whole year we are spending for ourselves, not a month spent for Allah. Women can cook Sehri, Iftar and always cook food while chanting zikr, men can harvest crops while chanting zikr and work in the office. This will solve our work and we will continue to get rewards. Saying Bismillah at the beginning of the work, then the complete work will be counted among the rewards.

Acts of the righteous

Let us see how the pious, pious people of the past spent their lives. Imam Abu Yusuf (R.A.) was the chief justice but used to pray 200 rakat nafal daily. Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) recited the Qur’an 1 Khatam a day during the month of fasting, 1 Khatam during Tahajjud at night and 3 Khatam during Tarawih, which means approximately 63 times during the month of fasting.

Hazrat Ali Quraishi (R.A.) used to go to work in the field and used to recite zikr. In this way, he used to remember Allah 70,000 times every day. The believers in Paradise will have only one regret, the time spent in this world without dhikr. Allama Sharani (RA) said, We have seen such virtuous people who laughed and joked during the month of fasting. He also refrained from.

Ask yourself?

Let’s consider ourselves. What are the reasons for our fasting? Is it really acceptable to God? If we read this analysis of Imam Ghazali (RA) very carefully, we will be able to evaluate our own fasting. Imam Ghazali (RA) said there are 3 types of fasting:

  1. Common Fast: Abstaining from food, drink and sexual intercourse is the fast observed by common Muslims.
  2. Fasting of a worthy person or fasting of some Muslims: In addition to the above, the hands, feet, eyes, etc., prevent sins. That is to refrain from the sins of the eyes like looking at women, looking at men, the sins of the mouth like backbiting etc.
  3. Fasting of the highest degree: In this case he observes all the 1st and 2nd, keeps his mind free from all evil thoughts and keeps his mind focused only on Allah. It is very difficult, which only Prophets, Messengers, Muttakis of the highest level can perform it. Now we ask ourselves.

Do we observe our fast according to the above 3 conditions??

Ramadan Mubarak

Remember, building a mosque on the outside is easy, but building a mosque on the inside is very difficult. Because of this, even though there are so many mosques in the alleys, our hearts are not as pure as the mosques, there is always backbiting, quarrels and disputes. Don’t miss a moment. It may be that I am laughing and engaged in sinful activities while I have come to the shop in my shroud. Before people pray my Janaza Namaz, let us start our Namaz. Let’s do it this Ramadan.

May Allah Ta’ala grant us the grace to do our deeds. Amin


1. Siratul Auliya – Allamah Ohhab Sharani (Rah:) 2. Khutbaat Zulfikar – Maulana Zulfikar Ahmad (Da:ba:) 3. Maktubat Sharif – Mojadded Al Fesani (RA) 4. Sahih Al Bukhari 5. Writings on Fasting – Imam Ghazali (RA)

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