Primary ICT Training Manual Download PDF 2023

Under the Fourth Primary Education Development Program (PEDP-4) under the Directorate of Primary Education, it has been decided to organize a 14-day ICT in Education training for teachers of government primary schools in PTIs in the fiscal year 2022-23 from April 04, 2023 as per the following schedule. Check out how to download ICT training manual.

ICT Training Manual 2023

The PTI Superintendents will compulsorily provide hard copies of training manuals and aids on ICT in Education to trainers and hard copies of training aids to trainees on the first day of training.

The trainers will conduct the training in the light of the latest training manuals and training aids provided by the Directorate of Primary Education.

Read More: Primary ICT Training 2023

ICT Training Manual Download PDF

Trainers in ICT training of primary teachers should use the latest ICT training manual provided by the Department of Primary Education. Click on the link below to download the ICT training manual:

Training Manual (ICT in Education for Primary Teachers)

ICT Training Schedule

The Directorate of Primary Education is organizing ICT training for primary school teachers. Let’s know the ICT training schedule:

প্রাথমিক শিক্ষকদের আইসিটি ট্রেনিং শুরু আগামী ০৪ এপ্রিল। Primary Ict Training 2023

Primary ICT training Syllabus 2023:

1. ICT Basic Training
2. ICT in Education
3. Digital Content Development Training
4. E-Office and E-Primary Education Management
5. E-Learning Content Development Training

Primary Teacher ICT Training 2023- FAQ

1) How many days of ICT training?

Answer: ICT training 14 days.

2) ICT training where?

Answer: Training on ICT in Education will be held at the concerned PTI.

3) How many people from the same school can participate in ICT training?

Answer: Maximum 1 teacher from each school can participate.

4) When will the ICT training start?

Answer: Training on ICT in Education will start on April 4.

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